Goals for 2005

Filed under: — 4:24 pm

Welcome to 2005! I have committed to spend more time moving forward with my various web sites this year, and I’ll share some details of those as they happen. More importantly, my goal for 2005 here at Figby.com is to post a genuine bit of writing every weekday. I’ll still be posting Quick Links, but unlike most of this month, they won’t make up the entire content of the site.

I’ve been posting an entry or two almost every day at The JavaScript Weblog, and if I can come up with that much writing about JavaScript, I should be able to write something here with equal frequency. At least that’s the plan.

In particular, I’m going to try to share more of the day-to-day details of running a number of successful (and not-yet-successful) websites, and write more about one of my favorite topics—making money online. I’ll also write about the usual web development topics. Some of the longer articles will end up at my much-neglected website workshop site with an abbreviated version here.

Wish me luck, and if I miss a day, please call me on it.

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